Sunday, December 13, 2009

First Battle of Fredericksburg (Civil War)

The First Battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia, was a battle of the United States Civil war between the Union's Army of the Potomac, and the Confederate States of America's Army of Northern Virginia, and was actually fought over several days: December 11-15, 1862.

Battle Highlights

Union Confederates

Generals: Ambrose E. Burnside Robert E. Lee

Approx. Troops Deployed: 114,100 72,500

Casualties and Losses: 12,653 5,377

Considered Victor: The Confederate Forces
For more information on the Battle of Fredericksburg, please proceed to this website for an in- depth analysis of the battle, or here for a fairly short summary.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Hyper Speed GO!

Chuck Yeager and his Bell X-1A Model Aircraft

On December 12, 1953, Chuck Yeager broke the speed barrier when he reached Mach 2.43 in a Bell X-1A Rocket Plane.

Not only did Yeager brake the speed barrier, but he also broke a rival test pilot's record, who was going to be honored as the "fastest man alive" soon after this occurred. Yeager's new record bested that of his rival.

This website provides more information on Chuck Yeager and his accomplishments.

This website provides more events that occurred on this day in history.

Friday, December 11, 2009


President Franklin Delano Roosevelt

ON December 11, 1941, the , furt United States officially declared war on Italy and Germany, furher creating hostilities in the Second Great War. (The United States had previously declared war on the Japanese three days prior.)

For more information on this particular Declaration of War, progress to this website, which provides information for further research..

During this period, the following famous (or infamous) men were present within office.

United States: Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Britian: Winston Churchill

The Soviet Union: Joseph Stalin

Italy: Benito Mussolini

Germany: Adolf Hitler

Prime Minister of Japan: Hideki Tojo
For more information about the declaration of war, progress to this website, which provides good information.

Monday, December 7, 2009


It is Sunday, December 7, 1941 and a soldier sleeps peacefully in the barracks at the Pearl Harbor U.S. Navy base in Hawaii. Suddenly, the soldier awakens to the sound of bombs being detonated, gunfire, and explosions everywhere. The soldier stumbles out of his bed and throws open the door to his barracks, and sees planes marked with the blood-red rising sun on their wings hurling bombs and bullets onto U.S. ships and everything in sight. He then hears from a radio broadcast, "Air raid Pearl Harbor. This is not a drill." Only then does he really become aware of what is occurring.


On this day in 1941, the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, and thus initiated the United States into World War 2.

Please progress to this website, as it provides written eyewitness accounts from Pearl Harbor soldiers/attendees.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Navy Vs. Army

This article is something for all of you football fans (which is something that I do not do often).

On this day in 1890, the first Army Vs. Navy football game occurred at West Point Army Academy. The conclusion resulted in a win for the Navy team; 24-0.


For current Army team statistics, progress to this website.

For current Navy statistics, progress to this website.

Both provide up-to-date statistics and good information.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Shooter Has Been Shot!

On November 24, 1963, Jack Ruby, a Kennedy admirer from Texas, shot and killed Lee Harvey Oswald, President John F. Kennedy's assassin while being transferred from the city jail to the county jail.

Who: Jack Ruby, a Texas citizen

Where: The Basement of the Municipal Building

What: The eradication of the Kennedy assailant.

How: A .38 caliber snub-nosed revolver.

When: Obviously, November 24, 1963

For more information on this particular occurrence, visit this website, which provides details and different angles for the story.

Monday, November 23, 2009

November 23, 2009

On this day in 1765, the citizens of Frederick County, Maryland, decided not to pay the King George the Third's famed Stamp Tax.

This tax included:

  1. Legal Documents

  2. Diplomas

  3. Almanacs and Newspapers

  4. Broadcasters

  5. Playing Cards

  6. Letters

  7. Other Paper Items

For information about the stamp tax, progress to this website.