Monday, December 7, 2009


It is Sunday, December 7, 1941 and a soldier sleeps peacefully in the barracks at the Pearl Harbor U.S. Navy base in Hawaii. Suddenly, the soldier awakens to the sound of bombs being detonated, gunfire, and explosions everywhere. The soldier stumbles out of his bed and throws open the door to his barracks, and sees planes marked with the blood-red rising sun on their wings hurling bombs and bullets onto U.S. ships and everything in sight. He then hears from a radio broadcast, "Air raid Pearl Harbor. This is not a drill." Only then does he really become aware of what is occurring.


On this day in 1941, the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, and thus initiated the United States into World War 2.

Please progress to this website, as it provides written eyewitness accounts from Pearl Harbor soldiers/attendees.

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