Saturday, October 31, 2009


Okay, today's topic shall cover the history behind the holiday that we all immensely enjoy-Halloween.

The Name
Halloween's name is derived from the name All Hollow's Even, referring to the night directly prior to the Christian celebration of All Saints Day. The een in Halloween is derived from a shortening the word Even which is the origin of the words evening or eve.

The Events and Traditions
While numerous people believe that the origins of Halloween are present within the ancient Roman feast Pomona, it is more specifically derived from the Celtic festival of samhain (or samuin), which is the celebration of the "lighter half" of the year concluding, and the "darker half" of the year commencing. It is also sometimes considered the Celtic New Year. On this day, the ancient Celts believed that the "layer" between Earth and the "otherworld" became thin, and the deceased's spirits were permitted to return. While the spirits of family and friends were invited inside a person's home, evil spirits were warded away. It is believed by historians and folklorists that the people commenced carving pumpkins and wearing costumes for precisely this purpose.

Who was aware that there was so much history behind the costumes, and jack-o-lanterns?

For more information, progress to this website, which provides the reader with more in depth information.

Interesting Facts:

-The Britons (which were neighbors to the Celts) celebrate a similar holiday, calan gaeaf.
-The original celebration is similar to the Aztec (currently Mexican) celebration The Day of the Dead in that the souls of the deceased supposedly return to Earth.

Random Fact:

-Numerous websites currently feature a virtual pumpkin carving device.

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